Welcome to Legal Scholar Academy

Academics Devoted to Research

Our law firm fights discrimination in all forms.

We provide transactional work. We advise companies and governments on commercial transactions, business contracts, and dispute resolution.

We provide research on national security, trade disputes, and international law. We offer seminars on current legal topics for lawyers, businesses, governments, administrators, and teachers.

501 Laws

Reconciliation is Profitable

Why Reconciliation in Business Disputes?

In most business disputes, litigation leaves many issues unresolved and the losing party feels humiliated and defeated.

Reconciliation is a win-win paradigm as well as the most equitable resolution of a business dispute.

Contact us for professional help. If you have a question, please submit your query to us.


Pakistan’s Hybrid Democracy

Hybrid democracy is fast emerging as a unique governmental model that combines elected representatives with military establishment. Pure representtive democracy does not seem to work. Read More

Sevens Manifesto for Democracy

Sevens Manifesto for Democracy provides the seven principles of universal democracy. Read More
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